§ 337-3. License application; issuance of license.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Initial license application process.
    Every dealer intending on conducting business within the jurisdiction of the Borough of Bellmawr shall first make application to the Borough Clerk and shall set forth the name and address of dealer, his or her age, whether or not he or she is a citizen of the United States and whether or not he or she has been convicted of a crime, the place of conviction and the date thereof.
    A dealer of precious metals, gems or gemstones or secondhand goods shall, prior to buying, attempting to buy or offering to buy, be required to be fingerprinted and shall consent to an investigation of the applicant's moral character and business responsibility as deemed necessary by the Bellmawr Police Department, for the protection of the public welfare. In the event that the dealer is a business entity other than a sole proprietorship, the officers in a corporation or the partners in a partnership (or limited partnership) shall be deemed to be the applicant(s) who shall be fingerprinted and investigated in accordance with this section.
    Upon initial application to the Borough Clerk, each dealer shall be provided with an application prescribed by the Bellmawr Police Department and shall provide the following information on said application:
    Name and address of dealer.
    Address from which dealer shall conduct business.
    Copy of valid zoning and/or construction permits from the Borough of Bellmawr.
    Proof that dealer has obtained computer equipment and software required in § 337-6 of this chapter for purposes of reporting all transaction data in electronic format to the Bellmawr Police Department.
    Contingency. Upon completion of the investigation, the Chief of Police shall either approve or deny the license based upon the results of the Bellmawr police investigation. No application shall be issued without the approval of the Chief of Police or his or her designee.