§ 411-1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words and phrases and their derivatives, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings hereafter ascribed to them:
    The Borough of Bellmawr, in the County of Camden, State of New Jersey.
    Any person who drives a taxicab within the Borough of Bellmawr.
    Licensed in accordance with the appropriate section of this chapter.
    Shall consist of transporting in such taxicab one or more persons for hire along any of the streets or highways of the Borough of Bellmawr and accepting said passenger to be transported for hire within the Borough of Bellmawr to a point either within or without the Borough of Bellmawr. The operation of a taxicab in the above-described manner by one other than the owner shall be deemed operation by the owner as well as by the person actually driving the same. The transportation of any person other than the owner or driver in any motor vehicle bearing a sign or signs therein or thereon using the word "taxi," "taxicab," "cab" or "hack" shall be prima facie evidence of operation.
    Any person, corporation or association in whose name title to any taxicab is registered with the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles or who appears in such record to be the conditional vendee or lessee thereof.
    Includes the singular as well as the plural, and any individual, copartnership, association, corporation or joint-stock company and its lessees, trustees or receivers appointed by any court whatsoever.
    Any street, avenue, park, parkway, highway or other public place or part thereof.
    Any automobile or motorcar commonly called a "taxi," engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire, which is held out, announced or advertised to operate or run or which is operated or run over any of the streets or highways of the Borough of Bellmawr and particularly accepts such persons as may offer themselves for transportation from points within the Borough of Bellmawr to points within or without the Borough of Bellmawr.