§ 400-14. Application procedure; information required.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Applications for a permit shall be made to the Director of Public Works and shall contain the following information:
    The name and address of the applicant.
    The name of the street where the opening is to be made and the street number, if any, of the abutting property.
    The nature of the surface in which the opening is to be made (whether sewer, water or gas and whether new construction or the repair of an existing street).
    The character and purpose of the work proposed.
    The date when the work is to be commenced and date when work is to be completed.
    Each application shall state the identity and address of the applicant, the company performing such construction, the location where the excavation or tunnel is to be made, the approximate dimensions of the opening and the period during which the permit shall be valid. The original of each permit shall remain on file with the Director of Public Works with a copy to remain on file with the Department of Public Works.