§ 344-2. Notice of violation; subsequent violations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Upon the occurrence of any violation of this article, the landlord or owner of the property shall be put on notice by receiving written notification of said violation from the person so designated by the Borough to forward said notice. Said notice shall generally inform the landlord and/or owner of the nature of the violation and the date upon which said violation occurred. Said notice shall also state that any subsequent violation of this article may result in said landlord and/or owner being cited and otherwise charged with a violation of said article, which may result in hearing on said violation to be heard in the Borough of Bellmawr Municipal Court.
    If any violation of this article occurs subsequent to written notification being sent to said landlord and/or owner in accordance with the above provisions, then said landlord and/or owner shall be cited for violation of this article and notices for a hearing to be held in the Borough of Bellmawr Municipal Court.