§ 260-136. General building and site design requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Site design.
    Environmental protection. Every effort shall be made to either preserve the landscape in its natural state or to improve existing site conditions according to high standards of conservation and environmental protection and in keeping with adjacent areas. A stilling or settlement basin shall be required, of a size determined by the Borough Engineer, to retain the natural state of contiguous or on-site streams.
    Orientation and siting. In the case of freestanding buildings or structures, and depending on individual site characteristics, consideration shall be given to a position that provides a desirable visual composition, avoids blocking natural vistas, provides a desirable space enclosure, does not unnecessarily alter existing topography and vegetation and otherwise respects established natural conditions and surrounding buildings and structures.
    Principal or accessory building and structure design.
    Building features. In reviewing site plans, consideration shall be given to building materials, use of color and/or texture, massing, fenestration and advertising features as they will relate to site conditions and harmonize with similar elements in surrounding buildings or structures.
    Special features. Off-street parking areas, truck loading and unloading areas and appurtenant driveways and walkways shall be constructed with a permanent pavement of a type subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer. These and other utility buildings or structures shall be harmoniously blended with existing site features and surrounding development through careful attention to existing topography, siting and screening techniques.