§ 260-134. Driveways.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The number of driveways provided from a site directly to any road shall be as follows:
    Length of Site Frontage
    Number of Driveways
    100 or less
    More than 100 to 800
    Over 800
    To be specified by Planning Board upon receipt of advice of a report of the Borough Engineer
    All entrance and exit driveways to a road shall be located to afford maximum safety to traffic on the road.
    Any exit driveway or driveway lane shall be so designed in profile and grading and shall be so located as to permit the following minimum sight distance measured in each direction along any abutting Borough, county or state road. The measurement shall be from the driver's seat of a vehicle standing on that portion of the exit driveway that is immediately outside the edge of the road, traveled way or shoulder.
    Allowable Speed on Road
    (miles per hour)
    Required Sight Distance
    Where a site occupies a corner of two intersecting roads, no driveway entrance or exit may be located within a minimum of 30 feet of the tangent of the existing or proposed curb radius of that site.
    No entrance or exit driveway shall be located on the following portions of any collector or arterial road:
    On a traffic circle.
    On a ramp of an interchange.
    Within 30 feet of the beginning of any ramp or other portion of an interchange.
    On any portion of such road where the grade has been changed to incorporate an interchange.
    Where two or more driveways connect a single site to any one road, a minimum clear distance of 25 feet measured along the right-of-way shall separate the closest edges of any two such driveways.
    Driveways used for two-way operation will intersect any collector or arterial road at an angle to as near 90° as site conditions will permit, and in no case will such angle be less than 60°.
    Driveways used by vehicles in one direction of travel (right turn only) shall not form an angle smaller than 45° with a collector or arterial road unless acceleration and deceleration lanes are provided.
    The dimensions of driveways shall be designated to adequately accommodate the volume and character of vehicles anticipated to be attracted daily onto the land development for which a site plan is prepared. The required maximum and minimum dimensions for driveways are indicated in the accompanying table. Driveways serving large volumes of daily traffic over 25% of which is truck traffic shall be required to utilize high to maximum dimensions. Driveways serving low volumes of daily traffic less than 25% of which is truck traffic shall be permitted to use low to minimum dimensions.
    One-way operation.
    Type of Development
    Curbline Opening
    Driveway Width
    5- to 10-family residence
    12 to 15
    10 to 13
    10-family or over
    12 to 30
    10 to 26
    Commercial and industrial
    24 to 50
    24 to 34
    Service stations
    15 to 36
    12 to 34
    Two-way operation.
    Type of Development
    Curbline Opening
    Driveway Width
    5- to 10-family residence
    12 to 30
    10 to 26
    10-family or over
    24 to 36
    20 to 30
    Commercial and industrial
    24 to 50
    24 to 46
    Service stations
    24 to 36
    20 to 34
    The surface of any driveway shall be subject to Borough site plan approval. Pavement shall extend to the paved traveled way or paved shoulder of the road, and such pavement shall extend through the area defined by the required driveway dimensions specified in Subsection I above.
    Any vertical curve on a driveway shall be flat enough to prevent the dragging of any vehicle undercarriage. All driveway profiles and grades shall be submitted to and approved by the Borough Engineer as determined necessary by the Planning Board.
    Should the sidewalk be so close to the curb at a depressed curb driveway as to cause the ramp to be too steep and be likely to cause undercarriage drag, the sidewalk should be appropriately lowered to provide a suitable ramp gradient.