§ 260-129. Road right-of-way dedication and reservation.  

Latest version.
  • As a condition to the approval of a site plan, the Planning Board may require the dedication of additional rights-of-way or easements. On an existing road, the additional right-of-way shall be that portion of the site which abuts a road and which lies between the existing right-of-way and the proposed future right-of-way line for the road. However, where the proposed future right-of-way lines for an existing county road are drawn so that the total additional right-of-way is to be secured from just one side of the road, only 1/2 of that additional right-of-way shall be required to be dedicated as a condition to the approval of the site plan. Also, the Planning Board may require the reservation of the remaining area of future right-of-way for future acquisition. The building setback line shall be measured from the future right-of-way line. In order to effect dedications required by this section, a deed for such lands shall be furnished to the Borough in a form approved by the Borough Attorney. Easements shall be granted as determined to be in the best interest of the Borough by the Planning Board, with the approval of Borough Council, to assure access for proper maintenance of drainage, utilities, sewerage, streets and any other municipal facility or service.