§ 260-124. Fees.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Application fees shall be paid to the Borough Clerk for site plan review by the applicable board in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in Chapter 210, Fees.
    Engineering review fees.
    Upon application and submission of a preliminary site plan to the applicable board, the applicant shall deposit the moneys in accordance with the fee schedule set forth in Chapter 210, Fees, to be used to defray the costs of the Board's professionals, including but not limited to engineering review, report and inspection fees.
    The Borough Clerk is hereby authorized to set up a separate bank account titled "Engineering Review and Inspection Account," into which all moneys deposited by site plan applicants shall be placed. All engineering fees related to said site plans shall be separately vouchered by the engineer, and all such bills shall be paid from this account. In addition, any other professional services authorized by the applicable board in connection with a site plan shall also be separately vouchered and paid from this account. A fee schedule for professional services to be charged by the professionals shall be on file with the Borough Clerk. The professional services escrow deposits referred to above shall be held by the Borough without the payment of interest. An individual accounting of each escrow account shall be maintained by the Borough Clerk, and copies shall be available to the applicant without cost.
    Any excess money remaining in the escrow deposit account after payment of the aforesaid professional services fees shall be returned to the applicant without interest within 30 days after completion of the required improvements and approval of the Borough Engineer.
    In the event that the escrow deposit made hereunder is insufficient to pay for the professional services fees, the applicant, upon notice from the Borough Clerk, shall forthwith pay the sum of money equal to such deficiency.
    The amount of escrow money required to be held by the Borough may be increased or decreased, as the case may be, by a detailed request by the professional consultants, setting forth the necessity therefor, with the approval of the approving authority first had and obtained. In the case of a required increase in the escrow deposit, the applicant shall pay such increase to the Borough forthwith. In the case of a decrease in the escrow deposit, the Borough Clerk shall make a refund to the applicant within 30 days of said approval of reduction.
    Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Amended 3-29-1979 by Ord. No. 3:7-79; 11-23-1982 by Ord. No. 10:15-82