§ 260-86. Parking space standards.  

Latest version.
  • Every parcel of land hereafter used as a public or private parking area for four or more cars or a loading area, including a commercial parking lot, shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements. Plans for such areas shall be reviewed by the Planning Board to ensure compliance with these regulations.
    Screening and landscaping. Off-street parking areas for four or more vehicles and off-street loading areas shall be effectively screened by a solid fence or suitable hedge. The screening shall be on the side or sides which adjoin or face premises situated in any residential area.
    Surfacing. Any off-street parking for four or more vehicles or off-street loading area shall be surfaced with an asphaltic or portland cement paving or similar durable and dustless surface as approved by the Engineer. All areas shall be marked with traffic paint so as to provide for the orderly and safe loading, parking and storage of self-propelled vehicles.
    Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking or loading area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining premises. Off-street parking facilities for multifamily structures containing four or more families shall be adequately lighted.
    Drainage. Any off-street parking area and off-street loading area shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water without detriment to surrounding uses.
    Site plan approval. Construction of off-street parking areas for four or more vehicles, whether or not constructed in conjunction with a building, shall be subject to site plan approval.
    The off-street parking facilities required for the uses specified in this article and for other similar uses shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the building they are intended to serve, unless adequate nearby facilities shall have been approved by the Planning Board and, if applicable, the Board of Adjustment.