§ 260-22. Miscellaneous site requirements and regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Unless the project abuts a major street, a major access road shall be provided to a major street.
    Adequate recreation area and facilities to serve the needs of the anticipated population of the development shall be provided and maintained and shall consist of at least the following two separate and distinct areas:
    For preschool children, one enclosed and equipped play area shall be provided containing a minimum of 300 square feet for the first 10 dwelling units in the project and an additional 20 square feet for each dwelling unit thereafter.
    For school-age children and adults, space shall be provided for active and passive recreation at the ratio of 400 square feet per dwelling unit. For all projects of 100 or more dwelling units, this ratio may be 300 square feet per dwelling unit.
    Adequate provision shall be made for the collection and dispersal of stormwater and surface water from the project and contributory areas. All stormwater and sanitary sewage collection and dispersal systems, sidewalks, roads, streets and parking area construction shall meet engineering standards specified by the Municipal Engineer.
    All telephone and electric utilities shall be underground.
    Interior roads shall be so designed as to minimize hazards to pedestrians and to motor vehicles operating on roads within the proposed development and on roads in adjacent areas.
    No garage structure, apart from such facilities contained within the dwelling structures or underground, shall be permitted.
    Pedestrian walks shall be not less than four feet in width and shall be provided wherever normal pedestrian traffic will occur. Such walks shall be hard surfaced.
    All developments shall be provided with a liberal and functional landscaping scheme consisting of shade trees, plantings and lawn areas as approved by the Planning Board.
    Sufficient illumination of interior roads, parking areas, dwelling entrances and pedestrian walks shall be provided to meet standards specified by the Municipal Engineer. When required by the Planning Board, lights shall be shielded downward.