§ 260-52. Special regulations for gasoline filling stations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Pumps and other service outlets shall be kept not less than 15 feet from the nearest building, except the building(s) used in connection with the service station.
    No gasoline dispensing equipment or outlet shall be permitted inside any public garage or service station.
    The entire area of the station or garage traversed by motor vehicles shall be hard surfaced.
    No filling station or service station property line shall be within a one-hundred-foot radius of any property line of a church, school, playground, hospital, public library, theater or other public building.
    Illumination of the filling station or service station shall be such that no direct glare from the lights shall fall upon adjacent properties.
    No equipment for the dispensing of gasoline or oil shall be placed less than 15 feet from any property line.
    The top of every gas or oil storage tank shall be at least 36 inches below the surface of the ground.
    The requirements herein set forth relative to filling stations and service stations shall also be adhered to and required for the enlargement of any existing filling station or service station.
    No gasoline filling station shall be permitted to conduct the business of motor vehicle junk dealer or automotive sales of either new or used vehicles on the premises of said gasoline filling station. The deposit or storage of five or more automobiles on the gasoline filling station premises, other than those being serviced in the normal course of business, shall be prima facie evidence of the conduct of the business of automotive sales. The deposit or storage of two or more unlicensed, wrecked or disabled vehicles or the major part thereof on a gasoline filling station premises shall be prima facie evidence that the business of motor vehicle junk dealer is being conducted thereon.
    [Added 7-26-1984 by Ord. No. 2:2-84]