§ 255-5. Junkyards; general regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    All junkyards conducted in the Borough shall have the lot fenced in by a suitable fence, the height and construction of which shall be approved by the Mayor and Council.
    No junk shall be stacked, piled, placed or stored within 250 feet of any frame building or within 100 feet of any fireproof building.
    No motor vehicle shall be dismantled within 250 feet of any dwelling house, except a dwelling house situated on the licensed premises.
    No junk or refuse material shall be burned within 250 feet of any building.
    Precaution shall be taken by each licensee to safeguard any flammable, combustible or explosive materials from fire, and no licensee shall stack, pile or place junk upon the licensed premises in such manner as to create a fire hazard.
    No junk shall be stacked, piled, placed or stored nearer than 500 feet to any highway, and all junk shall be so stacked, piled, placed or stored so as to prevent injury to persons lawfully passing along the highway in front of the premises, in the event that the stacks, piles or junk otherwise placed should fall or become dislodged.
    All junk shall be stacked, piled or otherwise placed a sufficient distance from the side line of the licensed premises so as to prevent the same from falling upon or doing injury to the adjoining premises or persons lawfully using the same, or other effective means shall be provided to prevent any injury.
    All gasoline, fuel or other explosive material shall be drained and removed from any motor vehicle within 24 hours after it is received on any premises licensed, and the gasoline, fuel or other explosive material shall either be removed from the premises or kept in a leakproof tank to be buried on the premises to a sufficient depth so that the top of the tank shall not be nearer to the surrounding ground than 2 1/2 feet, and the tank, together with the filling parts and vents, shall not be placed nearer to any building located on the premises or upon any adjacent premises than 20 feet and shall be kept back from the curbline of the street in front of or adjacent to the premises a distance of 60 feet.
    It shall be unlawful for any automobile junk dealer to permit any vehicle received on any premises in the Borough to remain in the open in such a manner that rainwater shall collect and remain in any of the parts for a longer period than 24 hours.
    All parts of any motor vehicle so designed as to collect and hold rainwater if left exposed in the open shall be housed in a watertight building with a foundation and floor so constructed of concrete, brick or other suitable material as to prevent the harboring of any rats, mice or vermin.
    All flammable material removed from the motor vehicles and not removed from the premises or immediately destroyed shall be kept or placed in a fireproof building or room.
    It shall be unlawful to stack, pile, place or store parts of motor vehicles upon the premises in such a manner as to create a fire hazard or to create a place for the harboring or breeding of rats, mice or vermin.
    Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). See also Ch. 260, Land Use and Development.