§ 170-4. Fees.  

Latest version.
  • The fee for a construction permit shall be the sum of the subcode fees listed below and shall be paid before the permit is issued.
    The basic construction permit fee shall be the sum of the parts computed on the basis of the volume or cost of construction, the number of plumbing fixtures and pieces of equipment, the number of electrical fixtures and devices and the number of sprinklers, standpipes and detectors (smoke and heat) at the unit rates provided herein plus any special fees and shall be paid before the permit is issued.
    Plan review fee. The fee for plan review shall be 25% of the amount to be charged for a new construction permit. This fee shall be paid before the plans are reviewed.
    Building Subcode fees shall be as follows:
    The minimum fee shall be $65.
    Fees for new construction shall be based upon the volume of the structure. Volume shall be computed in the amount of $0.034 per cubic foot of volume for buildings and structures of all use groups and types of construction as classified in Articles 3 and 4 of the Building Subcode.
    Fees for renovations, alterations and repairs and/or site construction on private property shall be based upon the estimated cost of the work. The fee shall be in the amount of $30 per $1,000 to and including $50,001. The additional fee shall be in the amount of $23 per $1,000 of the estimated cost above $50,000. For the purpose of determining estimated cost, the applicant shall submit to the Construction Official such cost data as may be available produced by the architect or engineer of record, or by a recognized estimating firm, or by the contractor. A bona fide contractor's bid, if available, shall be submitted. The Construction Official shall make the final decision regarding estimated cost.
    Fees for additions shall be computed on the same basis for new construction for the added portion.
    Fees for combination renovations and additions shall be computed separately in accordance with Subsection A(2)(c) and (d) above.
    The fee for tents in excess of 900 square feet in any dimension shall be $116.
    The fee for roofing work on Use Group R-3 and R-5 structures shall be $58.
    The fee for siding work on Use Group R-3 and R-4 structures shall be $58.
    The fee for any zoning permits which are for sheds (10 feet x 10 feet and under only), any flat concrete work, driveways, slabs, sidewalks, and fences six feet tall and under is a flat fee of $65.
    Plumbing Subcode fees shall be as follows:
    The minimum fee shall be $65.
    The fee shall be in the amount of $13 per fixture, piece of equipment or appliance connected to the plumbing system and for each appliance connected to the gas or oil piping system as indicated in Subsection A(3)(c) below.
    Additional fees shall apply to the following devices: the fee shall be $82 per special device for the following: grease traps, oil separators, refrigeration units, utility service connections, backflow preventors equipped with test ports (double check valve assembly, reduced pressure zone and pressure vacuum breaker backflow preventors), steam boilers, hot-water boilers (excluding those for domestic heating), active solar systems, sewer pumps and interceptors. There shall be no inspection fee charged for gas service entrances.
    Electrical Subcode fees shall be as follows:
    Minimum fee: $65. For from one to 50 receptacles or fixtures, the fee shall be $45; for each 25 receptacles or fixtures in addition to this, the fee shall be in the amount of $8. For the purpose of computing this fee, receptacles or fixtures shall include lighting outlets, convenience receptacles, smoke and heat detectors or similar fixtures and motors or devices of less than or equal to one horsepower or one kilowatt.
    For each motor or electrical device greater than one horsepower and less than or equal to 10 horsepower, and for transformers and generators greater than one kilowatt and less than or equal to 10 kilowatts, the fee shall be $10.
    For each motor or electrical device greater than 10 horsepower and less than or equal to 50 horsepower; for each service panel, service entrance or subpanel less than or equal to 200 amperes; for each transformer and generator greater than 10 kilowatts and less than or equal to 45 kilowatts; and for each utility load management device, the fee shall be $46.
    For each motor or electrical device greater than 50 horsepower and less than or equal to 100 horsepower; for each service panel, service entrance or subpanel greater than 200 amperes and less than or equal to 1,000 amperes; and for transformers and generators greater than 45 kilowatts and less than or equal to 112.5 kilowatts, the fee shall be $92.
    For each motor or electrical device greater than 100 horsepower; for each service panel, service entrance or subpanel greater than 1,000 amperes; and for each transformer or generator greater than 112.5 kilowatts, the fee shall be $457.
    For the purpose of computing these fees, all motors except those in plug-in appliances shall be counted, including control equipment, generators, transformers and all heating, cooking or other devices consuming electrical current.
    The fee for heater replacement shall be $20.
    The fee for aboveground swimming pools shall be $65.
    Fire Subcode fees shall be as follows:
    Minimum fee of $65.
    Fire protection and other hazardous equipment: sprinklers, standpipes, detectors (smoke and heat), pre-engineered suppression systems, gas- and oil-fired appliances not connected to the plumbing system, kitchen exhaust systems, incinerators, and crematoriums.
    The fee for 20 or fewer heads shall be $82; for 21 to and including 100 heads the fee shall be $151; for 101 to and including 200 heads the fee shall be $289; for 201 to and including 400 heads the fee shall be $748; for 401 to and including 1,000 heads the fee shall be $1,036; the fee for over 1,000 heads shall be $1,323.
    The fee for each standpipe shall be $289.
    The fee for one to 12 detectors shall be $45; for each 25 detectors in addition to this, the fee shall be in the amount of $15.
    The fee for each independent pre-engineered system shall be $116.
    The fee for each gas- or oil-fired appliance that is not connected to the plumbing system shall be $58.
    The fee for each kitchen exhaust system shall be $58.
    The fee for each incinerator shall be $460.
    The fee for each crematorium shall be $460.
    Fees for certificates and other permits are as follows:
    The fee for a demolition or removal permit shall be $82 for Use Groups R-3 and R-5; the fee for all other use groups shall be $151.
    The fee for a permit to construct a sign shall be in the amount of $1.20 per square foot surface area of the sign, computed on one side only for double-faced signs. The minimum fee shall be $58.
    The fee for a certificate of occupancy for Use Group R-3 and R-5 structures shall be $65.
    The fee for a certificate of occupancy for all other use groups shall be 10% of the total permit fee, with a minimum charge of $65.
    The fee for a certificate of occupancy granted pursuant to a change of use group shall be $120.
    The fee for a certificate of continued occupancy issued under N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.23(c) shall be $120.
    The fee for a plan review of a building for compliance under the alternate systems and nondepletable energy source provisions of the Energy Subcode shall be $274 for one- and two-family homes (Use Group R-3 of the Building Subcode) and for light commercial structures having the temperature controlled from a single point and $1,369 for all other structures.
    The fee for an application for a variation in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-10 shall be $594 for Class I structures and $120 for Class II and Class III structures. The fee for resubmission of an application for a variation shall be $229 for Class I structures and $65 for Class II and Class III structures.
    The fee for lead hazard abatement work is $140. The fee for a lead abatement clearance certificate shall be $28.
    For cross-connections and backflow preventors that are subject to testing, requiring reinspection annually, the fee shall be $65.
    Mechanical systems. The fee for a mechanical inspection in a Use Group R-3 or R-4 structure by a mechanical inspector shall be $65 for the first device and $25 for each additional device. No separate fee shall be charged for gas, fuel oil, or water piping connections associated with the mechanical equipment inspected.
    Tanks, in-ground or aboveground. On-site inspection fee shall be $50.
    The Building Subcode permit fee for construction and installation of an aboveground swimming pool shall be $50.
    The fee for a bonding/grounding inspection and certificate as required for public swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs by P.L. 1998, c. 137, shall be $46.
    Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-133.1 et seq.
    Minimum fee. In any case, the minimum fee for construction permit in part or total shall be $65.
    Third-party agencies. In the event that a third-party agency is used for any one of the subcodes, an administrative surcharge fee of 15% shall be added per subcode.
    Discontinuance of building project. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.27, in case of a discontinuance of a building project, plan review fees are not refundable.
    Exemptions. The only exemptions to fees are for municipal building or use of buildings for municipal business and buildings of Group A-4.
    Fees for certificate of occupancy inspections.
    Single-family dwelling: $100.
    Duplex rental dwelling unit: $100 per unit.
    Commercial use: $125.
    Multiple-family rental unit (apartment): $60.
    Reinspection fee: $75 third and subsequent reinspection.