§ 133-2. Application for license; number of devices per establishment.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    An application for a license shall be filed with the Borough Clerk, on forms to be furnished by said Clerk, which forms shall require to be included the following information:
    The name and address of the applicant.
    In the case of a partnership, the names and addresses of all partners.
    In the case of a corporation, the names and addresses of the officers, directors and all stockholders presently holding stock and all who, for six months prior to the making of said application, have been officers, directors or stockholders.
    In the case of clubs or associations, the names and addresses of all officers.
    Whether or not the person or persons named in the application have ever been convicted of a violation of any federal, state or municipal law.
    The location of the premises to be licensed.
    The number of coin-operated amusement machines to be located upon the premises to be licensed.
    There shall not be allowed more than two coin-operated amusement devices per establishment.